MP has added a new category to our line of Infection Control Products. In this category we have new products that can help with Act 52 requirements in Pennsylvania.
“We are pleased to work with Hygie to bring to the U.S. healthcare market the same infection control solution that has been so widely accepted in Canada,” says Greg Kilgore, president of LiftSeat.
Hygie’s Hygienic Cover System addresses a critical healthcare risk and we believe it will become a standard for the care of isolation patients in addition to being practical for the care of any patient needing a bedpan or commode. According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Infection Control, 13 out of every 1,000 patients or approximately 7,178 inpatients are infected or colonized with Clostridium difficile every day. These infections, which are transmitted through pathogens contained in the organic waste of an infected patient, kill between 165 and 438 patients every day and cost between $17.6 and $51.5 million.
Uses green technology, completely neutral ph, short dwell time 5 minutes or less. (
SMP would like to show you these products, how we can help with compliance with Act 52 and save you “lots of money.” Please call us for a live demostration at 610-644-1370.